Tritons reflect on national championships in cheer, dance

Tritons reflect on national championships in cheer, dance
Hannah Bates
"Overall, our goal wasn't just to win against the other team but to win against ourselves and prove to ourselves that the work we put in was worth it. Obviously, we went through a pandemic this year, our returning teammates lost their season last year to COVID as well, and we have overcome a lot of adversity throughout the last few years and it all boiled down to these two days; these four minutes and 30 seconds.
"Then finally when we hit our routine on the bandshell on day two, we knew that the work was all worth it and everything we had done for the last eight-plus months brought us to this winning title. Performing on the bandshell, looking out over the Atlantic Ocean, feeling the wind on your face, and having that feeling of 'we finally made it' is one experience that is absolutely unmatched. But hearing our name in first place, bawling into our teammates' arms and running into the ocean in our uniforms with the trophy and banner has to be the best feeling a college cheerleader could ever wish for. It was seriously so surreal."

Ayrton Peterson

"Winning nationals with this team was amazing, especially being able to do it with the other third-year athletes. We have faced so many challenges and adversity over the years such as losing three of our teammates and having our season canceled last year. We have experienced so many tough situations that we have persevered through, and having us finally end up on top really shows the work is worth it.

"This team has bonded and pulled together this season. It was harder for some of the newer athletes not having a lot of performing experience, but we put in months and months of work behind the scenes and we all were really determined for it to pay off when it counted. It felt like a dream to run into the ocean with my best friends and get the reward that we all worked so hard for."

Carlee Smith

"The experience I've had here at Iowa Central is indescribable. Not only has COVID affected the school year and ruined Triton traditions, but it taught us to be thankful for every rep, every practice and everyone on your team. It taught us that we never know what can be taken away from us, at any given time.

"Besides COVID, Iowa Central cheer has taught me to be the best version of myself that I can be. Timely, respectful, responsible and trustworthy. The rush and the adrenaline I felt competing under the bandshell can't be described. It is something I hope every single cheerleader gets to experience. The energy from your teammates and the screaming from your friends, family, coaches, other teammates and even other competitors is immaculate! I hope everyone gets to experience competing under the bandshell with a supportive team like I did."

Brylie Jade

"Winning a National Championship has been one of my biggest dreams and goals as a dancer and being able to finally achieve that with this amazing group of girls was the best and biggest rush I've ever felt before. The injuries, sore bodies, love, blood, sweat, and tears were all worth it in that very moment when we knew we had done it. Being one of the captains of the team, I'm just filled with joy and pride, these girls and I have experienced some of the hardest obstacles this year and for us to come out on top is the best thing in the world. Coming off that stage with these girls is something I will never forget, it's a feeling that can never be replaced!"

Melissa Davis

"We have been waiting for this moment forever. This team has been through many challenges and obstacles throughout the season. We went to Florida with one goal. And It's that was winning a national title. Nothing felt better than dancing on that stage one last time. This team has worked very hard to get to this point.

"We Can. We Will. We Did."
"This year was definitely a challenge to start with. Having to overcome so many obstacles I am so proud of my team for their persistence hard work to make our dreams come true of being national champs! We knew when we learned this hip-hop dance that it was deserving of a national title. We knew what we had to do and he wanted worse than all of our other competitors. That's why we won. We worked harder and we wanted it harder than everyone else.
"One of my favorite moments before stepping on to that national stage for finals is talking to my team saying over and over again. We can, we will, we did. We always knew in our heard that we had what it takes and it was an incredible feeling to finally have all of our blood sweat and tears pay off."
"The moment we found out we were national champs was a moment so many dream of most of their lives. This year was full of learning and growth for a lot of reasons, covid being one of them. Everything we went through this season and all the hard work paid off. Every single person on this team had a purpose, and each person rose to that occasion to get that national title! I'm very proud to represent Iowa central in such a way! I have the best coaches and the best team mates for sure. It's an experience will never forget. We can. We will. We did."