Tritons begins esports playoffs

Tritons begins esports playoffs

The Iowa Central esports team will begin playoff action Monday night.

The Tritons will be competing over the next several days in Valorant, Rocket League, Rainbow Six Siege and Hearthstone. 

Below is a list of players who have qualified in their respective games along with their in-game usernames in quotes.  

- Hearthstone - played by Allan Murray

- Rainbow Six Siege - played by Tyler Dean "ScummyWeeb", Samuel Mishark "Velocify", Konner Nichols "Dragenfire", Jordon Reuter "TheNightReuter", and Jacob Shroeder "Lubey-Jubey"

- Rocket League - played by Brandon Diehl "Asterin", Conner Hiatt "Kittens4Free", and Konner Nichols "Dragenfire"

- Valorant - played by Crosby Chunthavisock "King Crosby", Piawan Lucklam "Yuishi", Jesus Magdalone "Jatone", Cole Ranradi "Toaster", and Trey Minnahan "MochaMT"

The Tritons are coached by Samuel Morlan. Playoff action can be followed on the live Twitch stream channel. 

-By Dana Becker