Pep Band and Dance to Return to Wells Fargo

Pep Band and Dance to Return to Wells Fargo
Pep Band and Dance to Return to Wells Fargo

For a fourth consecutive year, the Triton Wow Factor Pep Band and Iowa Central Dance Team will be performing at an Iowa Energy Basketball game.  Taking place in Des Moines, IA at Wells Fargo Arena on Thursday February 9th, game tipoff is 7pm. 

The ICDT and Team Uneek will perform between quarters of the game and the Triton Pep Band will perform before and during designated games breaks.

The groups added this yearly trip as a great way to give our student performers the opportunity to perform in a large arena, share our music and talents outside of the local area, and give our members the travel experience that comes with such an event.

Friends and family of Iowa Central are invited to join us for the game.  We have a section of the arena reserved just for us to take in the evening's festivities.  Reserved ticket seating is available for only $10 per seat! 

If interested in joining us for this night of entertainment and to receive this discount and sit in our section, contact Jeremy Smith, Director of Athletic Bands, at 515-574-1207 or to reserve your discounted ticket(s) in our section.